Setting Up Outlook or Outlook Express

Click Tools -> E-mail Accounts 
Select to add a new POP3 e-mail account.  
microsoft outlook configuration 

Fill in the information requested. 
Example - if your domain is, your user account is jsmith, and the email account you wish to use is "info":  
Your Incoming POP3 Server would be 
Your User Name would be billy 
The E-Mail Address would be  
You may type anything you want in for "Your Name".  
*Note - the OUtgoing Mail Server (SMTP) should be set to whatever your ISP states. Most of the time it is one of these two: 
outlook pop3 servers 


You may modify your account a bit more by clicking the More Settings button.  
Under the Mail Account, you can type your name or something that will let you know what email account this is. This name is just a reference name for you when sending and receiving email. 
You may also add your company name and a reply-to email if you wish to specify that rather than use the default you set up initially.  
outlook smtp servers 

setting up an email account 

Once you are done, you may do this to add multiple e-mail accounts in Outlook.  

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