Admin Templates: Administrator Templates define the lay-out of your Joomla Web site's Backend.
Alt Tag: The 'alt' attribute, often called the 'alt tag' is a text attribute added to the image tag to describe the image contained in the tag. This text is viewable (inside a text box) when one hovers their mouse over an image in the Frontend of a Web site.
Archive: Content items can be archived and managed trough the Backend. The Archive Module provides a way of displaying archived items on your Web site.
Backend: The 'Backend' is the Joomla Administrator where the site administrator manages the site and it's content.
Blog: A Blog style within Joomla is a listing of some or all Content Items in a certain section or category. Only the title of the Content Item, an introductory text and a Read More link can show up. It could be by link only, or showing just the introductory text with a link to the complete text. Often the "News" page is written in Blog style.
Category: A Category is the name for a collection of content items that are related in some way. Example: The category 'Fish' may contain the Content Items 'Herring', 'Haddock' and 'Stickleback'. Category is part of the Content hierachy. The top level is called Sections, the next level is called Categories and then the third level are called Content Items.
Content Management System (CMS): A CMS is a software for managing content on a Web site directly on the server.
Core: The Joomla core is the zip-file containing the official standard Joomla installation, which can be found on and various other sites. It contains some built-in CMTM's, but can be extended with 3rd party developer's addons. The core Joomla software is available for download on
Database: A database is an organized collection of information. It contains a collection of records that you can search, sort and analyze rapidly. Joomla is database driven software and that you can edit, add or delete content that is stored in Joomla's database. Please see also Record.
Elements: Elements are plug-ins like components, modules, templates, mambots or languages that extend your Joomla installation. These elements can already be bundled into the core or they can be third party elements.
Frontend: The Frontend is the Web site that your visitors (or members) will see.
This option is only available in the backend admin in the System menu item.
Intro Text: When creating or editing a Content Item, the Intro Text usually contains a brief introduction. This introduction will be appended by the content in the Main Text box if you have entered content there. When the Content Item is set to show on the Front Page, a 'Read More' link will be shown, pointing to the full Content Item. Intro Text and Main Text only are used in Content Items in the Section/Category hierarchy but not in Static Content Items.
Item: An Item is a discrete piece of content within the Joomla hierarchy. An item can be an article, a content category, a menu item or a link.
Main Text: When creating or editing a Content Item, the Main Text box contains the text you don't want to show on the Front Page. It shows up after clicking the 'Read On' link in the Frontend of your site.
Mamber: A Mamber is a general term for someone who is part of the Joomla community. It comes from a play on words, "member".
Joomla: Joomla! is one of the finest Open Source Web Content Management Systems.
Some examples are such are WYSIWYG editors, 3rd party component and module searchers, etc.
Media Files: Media files such as .gif, .jpg, .png or .bmp files can be used in Content Items and are organised via the Media Manager. Media files can be included in Content Items via Image tab on Edit Content Item pages, WYSIWYG editors' include media managers, 3rd party components, etc.
Modules: Modules extend the capabilities of Joomla giving the software new functionality.Modules are small content items that can be displayed anywhere that your template allows it to be displayed. Modules are very easy to install in the Admin Section. Joomla modules may include: Main Menu, Top menu, Template Chooser, Polls, Newsflash, Hit Counter, etc. Members of the Joomla Community are producing third party Joomla modules on a continuous basis. They are available on for free download.
Newsfeeds: Newsfeeds are a way of sharing content between different sites.
All the source code for Joomla is open source and is readable and changeable by any user.
patTemplate: patTemplate is a system within Joomla to help create Joomla site Templates.
Parameters: Parameters can be used to alter the presentation of specific items, menu's or modules.
Preview: The 'Preview' icon enables a popup window for you to see from the Backend what your content item would look like in the Frontend of your site.
Projects: Projects can be components, modules, templates, mambots and scripts that are freely set up and managed by their authors at /
Publish(ed): This defines the state of various parts of your Joomla installation. For example, installed Elements will only display on your Web site if they're published. Content items can be managed with a start and end date of publishing.
Record: A Record is a generic term for a 'row' in the database, just like a card. A record very often represents a 'piece' of content. The dynamic functionality and much of the content of Joomla relies on a database in order to function.
Static Content Item: A Static Content Item is a content item that does not belong to the Sections/Category/Content Item heirarchy.
Section: A Section is a collection of Categories that are related in some way. It is part of the Section/Category/Content Item heirarchy. A section might be called 'News', categories in this section might be 'Today's News', 'Yesterdays News' and 'Other News'.
Site: The Joomla Site is the Web site displayed to your visitors or users, containing all the content added in the Admin Section. It is sometime referred to as the 'Frontend'.
Templates: Templates define the lay-out of your Joomla Web site. You can assign different templates to various pages of your Web site. Templates can be created for the Frontend of your site called Site Template as well as the Backend called Administrator Templates.
Title: This is the name which is displayed above a Content Item.
Title Alias: This is an alternative title for Content Items. This field is not used by the Joomla core itself, but SEF scripts and dynamic title/meta scripts use it and it may have a future use.
Workspace: The Workspace is the section of the Joomla Admin Section where the business of configuration and content publishing takes place. The workspace dynamically updates as you select tools and menu options. The workspace can include: HTML editor, article and link management and several other features.
Wrapper: A Wrapper is a built-in Joomla component which can display any URL in your web site. This can be used to wrap an application like a forum or a gallery, individual pages as well as an entire web site. An alternative name is an Iframe.
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